
Showing posts from April, 2020


In South Korea, the mayor of Busan has resigned because he admitted that he sexually assaulted a female public servant in his office. He had been under pressure to resign and he finally did so. Since the #MeToo movement sparked in South Korea back in January 2020, many have come forward with sexual assault accusation against other men in politics. A female prosecutor came out and told that another male superior had sexually assaulted her. The prosecutor was sentenced to 2 years in prison last January. He was charged with abuse of power because the 3 year limitation had passed already since the assault occurred in 2010. These are new times for women since it has been such a male dominated society, they now feel confident to share their stories and hold the men accountable.  LINK

North Korea Cyberattack

On Wednesday, a report came out saying that some North Korean hackers tried new ways and also old ways of stealing money. This is nothing new because in 2014 North Korean hackers attacked Sony Picture Entertainment. This kind of cyber fighting is something that goes on daily between the United Sates and North Korea. These cybercriminals are known for ransomware and also for stealing money by hacking into digital currency exchanges. They have stolen millions of dollars and have launched attacked on hospitals and companies.

blog #8: Treehouse Isolation

In the midst of the social distancing effort in India, there has been chaos. When the government announced that the country would go under quarantine, it caused to react in chaos. Now hundreds of people have been fleeing their homes because landlords are demanding rent and if they don't pay they have to leave their homes. Hundreds are fleeing to rural areas and it has caused a lot of foot traffic, so the quarantine announcement has caused there to be an opposite affect. To keep everyone safe in rural areas, those who have been experiencing symptoms have been isolating in treehouse.